Sunday, November 24, 2013



DISCUSS the significance and purpose of the tabernacle; SENSE God's presence in our lives; and THANK God for His abiding presence.

FOCAL VERSES Exodus 40:16-30, 34, 38


"For the cloud of the LORD was upon the tabernacle by day, and fire was on it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their journeys" (Exodus 40:38).


1. The Tabernacle Assembled (Exodus 40:16-30)
2. God's Presence Fills the Tabernacle (vv. 34,38)


Patricia's father died while she was in high school. Just after she finished college, her mother suffered a stroke. For the next 15 years, Patricia was her mother's caregiver. She didn't mind; she loved that it had bought them so close together. After her mom passed away, Patricia missed her deeply. She knew her mother was saved and that God was with her even in her sorrow. Still, she missed her mom.
One day, a package was delivered to her home from her Aunt Betty. Betty still lived in the family home in Seattle. She had been cleaning her closet and found a box of items that belonged to Patricia's mother. Aunt Betty thought Patricia should have her mother's journal and Bible. Patricia spent a week reading the journal. She knew that her mother was saved as a teen, but through the journal, she learned how her mother grew in the Lord though the years. The Bible was a very special blessing to Patricia. She started reading her mom's Bible during her daily devotions, and studying her mother's margin notes. The more she read it, the more she grew to understand the promises her mother had held so dear and the Scriptures that had taken her through. Using the Bible helped Patricia feel close the Lord and she praised God for blessing her with such wonderful memories.
In today's lesson, God commands the people to build the tabernacle so they could feel His presence and guidance.


EGYPT. Joseph had been a high official in Egypt under Pharaoh. Joseph's family, the seventy descendants of Jacob, had been permitted to move to Egypt to escape a terrible famine in Canaan (Genesis 45:9-10). After Joseph's death, a new Pharaoh came to power who enslaved the growing population of Israelites. God raised up Moses to lead the people out of slavery (Exodus 3-4), but Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites go. God sent ten plagues, which destroyed the Egyptians' crops, herds, and families. God instituted the first Passover the night of Israel's release. After Pharaoh released them, he changed his mind and decided to pursue them. God miraculously enabled the Israelites to cross the Red Sea to safety (14:15-31), but Pharaoh's army drowned. The Israelites were free and on their way to the Promised Land.
ARK of the COVENANT. The Ark of the Covenant was a box measuring 3 3/4 feet long, 2 1/4 wide, and 2 1/4 feet high. It was made of acacia wood overlaid with pure gold. Acacia trees flourished in the area and were fairly common in Old Testament times. The wood was very hard and good material for building furniture.
The Ark of the Covenant represented God's covenant with Israel's people. It was located in the most holy place of the tabernacle, behind a curtain to hide it from view. Only the high priest could enter the most holy place and then only once a year, on the day of atonement. The Ark contained the tablets of the Ten Commandments, a pot of manna, and later other items as instructed by God. God commanded Moses to keep an omer (two quarts) of manna as a reminder of the way He provided for the Israelites in the wilderness (16:31-34). The cover of the Ark of the Covenant was called the "mercy seat" or atonement cover. The mercy seat had a gold lid.


The purpose of the book of Exodus is to record the event of Israel's deliverance from Egypt and development as a nation. The book begins with a short account of how the Israelites became slaves in Egypt (Exodus 1) then goes on to expound on Moses's birth, life, and call by God. Moses was used by God to lead the people out of slavery in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land (5:1-18:27). God guided the Israelites while they were in the wilderness by a cloud in the day and a pillar of fire by night. This was a visible sign that God was present and guiding them along the way.
The Israelites promised to obey God's commands as given to Moses (20:1-17, 24:3). Moses spent time in the presence of God for forty days and forty nights. God gave Moses specific directions concerning the building of the tabernacle (chs. 25-31), and the people carried them out exactly (chs. 35-39).


1. Outline the steps in setting up the tabernacle (Exodus 40:17-19).
2. What items were placed inside the tabernacle (vv. 20-27, 29-30)?
3. What was placed inside the Ark of the Covenant (v. 20)?
4. Beside the tabernacle itself, what symbolized God's presence with the Israelites (vv. 34, 38)?


1. Search out the meaning of each item in the tabernacle.
2. The items in the tabernacle are listed from the deepest inner section to the outer section. Why do you think it is described that way?
3. What phrase is given after each of the steps Moses takes in setting the items inside the tabernacle? What does the phrase say to us about our worship of God?
4. In the In Focus story, Patricia found solace in reading her mother's Bible. When and where do you most often seek to be near God and to feel His presence?


Life can be a rat race. Every day seems to be busier than the one before. We are constantly bombarded with music and noise blasting from passing cars of invading our space, even elevators. God instructed Moses to create a place that was peaceful and filled with His presence. How do you seek to make your home or personal space welcoming to the presence of God? How might your creation of a sanctuary of peace bring calm to those around you who also seek to have peace with the God you worship?


1.Sometimes we face difficult transitions and decisions. At those times, we may seek the guidance of family, friends, or church leaders. But often, those voices don't calm us and may even present conflicting options. We want to know that we are making the right decision. How do we determine if we are hearing God's voice and if He is with us? This week, spend time in prayer and reading your Bible as you learn to listen more closely to the voice of the Lord.
2. Every day, we need to seek God's presence. We do not have to god to a tabernacle or church every time we want to enter into God's presence. His presence is with us through the Holy Ghost, who is our source for security and guidance. What is your daily spiritual routine for seeking God at the start of your day? What time do you set aside for devotion so that you can rest in the peace of His  presence?

Sunday, November 17, 2013



DESCRIBE how God made a way for the Israelites when there seemed to be none; APPRECIATE the power of the Lord to deliver us today; and IDENTIFY scriptural support to help in the times when we seek God's deliverance.

FOCAL VERSES Exodus 14:21-30


"Thus the LORD saved Israel that day out of the hand of the Egyptians; and Israel saw the Egyptians dead upon the sea shore" (Exodus 14:30).


1. God's Great Deliverance (Exodus 14:21-25)
2. God's Great Triumph (vv. 26-30)


Linda knew her life had been a hot mess. Her temper had been bad. She didn't get along with her family, and she was unhappy with everything she did. When her aunt insisted that she go to church with her for Thanksgiving, Linda went only to stop her aunt from asking. She had grown up in an Apostolic church, but walked away as soon as she was old enough. Brunch or old movies on Sunday morning had become her way of life.
Linda, however, was pleasantly surprised when she entered the church. The people were friendly and didn't have that look of gloom and doom that she remembered from when she was a child. The music was really good, too, and the Spirit was free. When the pastor started his sermon, Linda found herself listening. It seemed as if he was literally calling her out. She felt a conviction she had not had before. She felt hot tears run down her face, and before she knew it, she was standing for altar call.
Although she had been raised Apostolic, she had never been baptized in Jesus' Name or filled with the Holy Ghost. After leaving the water and Prayer Room, Linda felt brand new. She had heard herself speak in tongues and knew that God forgave her of everything. She suddenly realized that the problem had not been everyone else; it had been her. Finally she was free and couldn't wait to start working on her new life in Jesus!
In today's lesson, we will see the Lord provide the Children of Israel with deliverance over their enemies that could only come from His mighty hand.


THE RED SEA. Also know as the Reed Sea, Papyrus Sea, Papyrus Lake, or Papyrus Marsh. It is a body of water between Africa and the Arabian peninsula, ranging in width from 100 to 175 miles, and 1,350 miles in length extending form the Indian Ocean to the Suez Gulf. It is over 7,200 feet deep. Its northern end splits into two gulfs, the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Akabah. Based on the account in Exodus, it is believed that the Children of Israel crossed from the north.


With the final plague striking down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt (with exception of those covered by the blood of the lamb), God forced Pharaoh's hand. As He promised, the Children of Israel were released from captivity. The Israelites did not leave Egypt empty-handed, however; God gave them great favor and they were able to plunder their captors and go out much wealth (12:35-36). By the strength of God's hand, the Israelites were free. God led them on a roundabout route to their destination, for He knew that if they went through the way of the Philistines, they would turn back to Egypt (13:17). God directed them into the wilderness toward the Red Sea and prepared them for battle (v. 18). He instructed Moses to have the people camp in front of Pihahiroth between Migdol and the sea in front of Baalzephon, and for them to encamp by the sea (14:1-2). God warned Moses that He would harden Pharaoh's heart, which would cause him to come after them. However, what would seem to be impossible would be God's most brilliant display of His power. God went on to let Moses know how he would be God's most brilliant display of His power. God went on to let Moses know how He would gain glory for Himself over this self-proclaimed god, all the Egyptians would know that He is the Lord (v. 4).


1.What happened to the Red Sea when Moses drew back his hand
 (Exodus 14:21, 26)?
2. What made the Egyptians stop their pursuit of Israel (vv. 24-25)?
3. Who was able to pass on dry ground (vv. 22, 29)?
4. Who won the battle at the Red Sea (vv. 27, 30)?


1. Although God fought the army of Pharaoh, Moses had specific orders for what he was to do. What were those orders? If Moses' arm did not control the water, what was the purpose of him holding his arms up?
2. What does it mean to you to know that the Egyptians recognized that God was fighting on behalf of the Israelites?
3. What does it mean to you to know that the Children of Israel saw their enemies destroyed?
4. Linda, the main character in the In Focus story, was set free fro her bondage. What had held her captive? What should she expect to experience in the new freedom? How does her story resonate with your salvation experience?


God is faithful to His word! Through His great display of power, He delivered the Children of Israel by His might hand. Imagine what our world would be like if we truly believed that God would do such a display today in our communities to deliver us from violence and oppression. God is no respecter of persons; He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He left this story as a testament of His greatness.
In Exodus 14, Moses received instructions regarding "his part" in the deliverance of Israel. Since Jesus continues to prove He is same God who shows us His care and mercy, including forms of deliverance beyond our imagination, what instructions has He given to us to bring deliverance to our cities, communities, and homes?


We have a mighty vehicle through the power of prayer to bring God's will on earth as it is in heaven. Just as He led Bishops Brazier, Ellis, and Watkins (see View Points section of The Apostolic Way) to bring liberty to the captives, He will bless us to serve Him as well. Begin to seek the mind of the Lord in what He wants to do in and through you it impact your community for His glory. As you pray, believe God for concepts, ideas, visions, and favor to bring his will to pass.



Sunday, November 10, 2013




UNDERSTAND the historical events that lie behind the Jewish celebration of Passover; EMPATHIZE with those who are in need of deliverance; and IDENTIFY ways in which the church can participate in freeing those who need deliverance.

FOCAL VERSES Exodus 12:1-14


"And in this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it a feast to the LORD throughtout your generations; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever" (Exodus 12:14).


1. Instructions to Mark a New Beginning (Exodus 12:1-2)
2. Instructions to Prepare for Freedom (vv. 3-6)
3. Instructions for the Exit (vv. 7-12)
4. Instructions to Institute the Passover (vv. 13-14)


In April 1906, a revival began in the United States that set free the spiritual captives in a way that had not been seen with such power since. That revival
is referred to as the Azusa Street Revival, named after the Los Angeles location that housed the movement from 1906 until 1913. The roots of the revival run far wide-from the 19th century Methodist camp meetings to the Holiness Movement that seemed to invade northern cities. The outpouring of the Holy Ghost can trace its American roots from the Topeka, Kansas Bible school run by Charles Parham to the Asberry home on Bonnie Brae Street in California. It was, however, the former stable that became known as the Azusa Mission under the leadership of Elder William Seymour that is considered that birthplace of Pentecostal worship.
During the years that the Azusa Mission operated, people of all ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds came together for worship and received the Holy Ghost. The Los Angeles newspaper reported on the events and found themselves attempting to explain this phenomenon of speaking in tongues. As on the Day of Pentecost, the fires of Azusa Street set aflame anew the Spirit of God in the United States.
While God has never been without witness, it was in a small Los Angeles building that people in the United States began to connect with the events that took place on the Day of Pentecost. That flame continues to burn, setting free the captives who come to confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and are filled with the Holy Ghost by the mighty power of God.
In today's lesson, we review the historical account of the first Passover, which set in motion freedom for the Children of Israel by God's mighty hand.


EGYPT. This country was the leading power of it age because of its positioning for sea traffic and the production and richness of its land due to the Nile River. In times of famine, Egypt's major cities of Pithom and Rameses further solidified its might through their stocked surplus of grain, storage of local and imported goods, and military equipment. These major cities were built on the backs of the Hebrew slaves, who became captives around 1500 B.C. after the ascension of a new king who conquered Egypt and did not know Joseph (Exodus 1:8-11).


God promised Abraham (Genesis 12:2-4, 15:5), Isaac (26:24), and Jacob (28:13-15) that from their lineage a great nation would come and that all the families of the earth would be blessed through them. This patriarchal line would go down in the history of humankind as the most detailed and celebrated of all families of earth and, ultimately as the chosen lineage of Jesus Christ, God Incarnate. God told Abraham in a vision about the years of hardship his people would endure in Egypt, but by His mighty hand God would deliver them (15:12-16).
Fast forward hundreds of years, God sent Moses as His mouthpiece to bring to pass the covenant He made with his ancestors. Citing his own shortcomings, Moses was a reluctant spokesman for God. However, God assured Moses that He was with him. With God's mighty hand, Moses would accomplish God's plan in the midst of what appeared to be formidable opposition.
Moses, having lived as the adopted son Pharaoh's daughter, knew the inner workings of the palace. With God going before him and his brother Aaron at his side, Moses brought to Pharaoh the message of impending judgment of Egypt. Through signs and wonders in devastating plagues, God proved that His power trumps any earthly ruler. With the final and most deadly plague forthcoming, God would show His ability to protect His people and make a distinction between them and the Egyptians (11:7).


1. According to the Jewish calendar, when did these events take place(Exodus 12:2-3, 6)?
2. Explain the events surrounding preparation for the Passover Meal (vv. 3-10).
3. How were the Children of Israel to set themselves apart from the Egyptians in advance of the final plague (vv. 7. 12-13)?
4. How were the Children of Israel to prepare for their exit from Egypt (v. 11)?


1. Review the plagues that God had already visited upon the Egyptians. Why do you think this final on would make the difference?

2. The blood has great significance. What was supposed to happen with the blood, and what about the blood was to be avoided?

3. What parallels can you draw from his lesson to our salvation through Jesus Christ and our life as saints in the world?

4. The Azusa Revival is the subject of today's In Focus story. In what way do you think "the blood was applied" at Azusa (and continues to applied today) in setting captives free from sin?


Our world continues to be in great turmoil, and we meet people daily who are held captive by the lure of power, money, and fame. The world system encourages people to place their hope in things that leave them disappointed and in despair. Those who have been set free by the blood of Jesus Christ have to draw others to Him. As we encounter people who are in trouble and searching for answers, our divine appointments is to share our faith. Just as we are able to provide customer reviews and referrals  when we experience a great product of service, our testimony serves as convincing proof that Jesus is real and can deliver hope to the hopeless.


Be intentional! Ask God to build up your faith and pray as the early church prayed for the boldness to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Lord is always looking to show Himself strong through His people. Look for opportunities to be an agent of change for others to receive their deliverance from the bondage of sin and come into relationship with Jesus Christ.


Sunday, November 3, 2013



EXPLAIN why Moses was hesitant to answer God's call; CONFESS fears that hinder us from saying yes to God; and PRAY for help in overcoming fears that prevent us from obeying God completely.


"Go, and gather the elders of Israel, and say unto them, The LORD God your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, appeared unto me, saying, I have surely visited you, and seen that which is done to you in Egypt: and I have said, I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt unto the land of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and Jebusites, unto a land flowing with milk and honey" (Exodus 3:16-17).


1. God Hears the Israelites' Cries for Help (Exodus 3:7-9)
2. God Command Moses to Go to Pharaoh (v. 10)
3. Moses' Doubts, God's Assurance (vv. 11-12)
4. God Responds to Moses (vv. 13-17)


Jeff's parents had him when they were young and unmarried. His grandmother raised him and took him to their small  storefront Apostolic church. When she died, he ended up "in the system" and away from the church. Years  later, he decided that the fast track to money was better for him-and dealing drugs was the fastest way he knew. His associates didn't know his background, so they wondered about his  love for Gospel music. Jeff loved the references to God's love and often asked God if He really loved him despite what he did. If his associates had known of his conversations with God, he would have been out of business.
It was near Thanksgiving when he found himself in the hospital after someone tried to kill him. Jeff kept thinking about the song "Never Would Have Made It." Drifting off to sleep, he was gently awakened by a voice that lovingly called out his name and told him that his career as a drug dealer was over. There was a new plan for his life. Jeff responded, "God, if that really You, please reveal Yourself." In just a few minutes, Jeff was speaking in tongues. The nurses came in to see what was going on, and one recognized what was happening. Jeff received the Holy Ghost in that room that day. The nurse gave him the address to her church, and he was baptized in Jesus' Name soon after his release. From that moment forward, Jeff lived a life dedicated to Jesus, and his testimony blessed hundreds, young and old. He went on to change lives with the message of the Gospel.
God has call for each of us, regardless of our past. In today's lesson, we will explore Moses' call to serve God.


CHILDREN of ISRAEL. The people of Israel whose ancestors are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God had established a covenant relationship with these ancestors. The covenant is an agreement based of faith.
MOSES. His name literally means "drawn out." A Hebrew woman gave birth to him. After Pharaoh issued a decree to kill male babies, the Hebrew woman placed him in a homemade basket on the river. One of Pharaoh's daughters found him and raised him as her own. God chose Moses to lead the Children of Israel from slavery to freedom.


God heard the Israelites' pleas to be delivered and told Moses to go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of slavery.
Now in the desert after fleeing Egypt, Moses was married and working with his father-in-law, Jethro. When God appeared and commissioned him to deliver the Israelites, Moses expressed doubts about his abilities and questioned God. God assured Moses that "certainly I will be with thee"
(from Exodus 3:12). God told Moses what to say to the Israelites to assure them that God had indeed heard their cries for help. "Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you....The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob" (from vv. 14-16).


1. Why did God call Moses (Exodus 3:7, 9)?
2. What would be the means by which God would deliver Israel (v. 10)?
3. What excuses did Moses give (vv. 11, 13)?
4. How did God respond to Moses' fears and doubts (vv. 12, 14-17)?


1. Moses had been willing to "step up" for the Children of Israel earlier in his life. Why do you think he reacted with fear and doubt when the actual call to action came?
2. If Moses was to the spokesperson, why did God send him to elders? Are there any implications in this for our leadership roles?
3. Jeff, the former drug dealer in the In Focus story, received the Holy Ghost in his hospital room. Is there anything that would keep God from hearing pleas for salvation?
4. In the In Focus story, a nurse heard Jeff and reached out to him. Was it coincidence that she was there? What does this tell us about God's plans for our lives?


Unfortunately, every day, people, who need God die without having heard the message of salvation. Even more unfortunately, many in the church world- including Apostolic churches-either give up on people who are living a live of sin and crime or don't even try to engage them because the are "too far gone." Interestingly, we display this same distance to people who seem too rich, too successful, or too powerful to be following God. The call of Moses tell us that God  is not finished with people just because they don't measure up to our standard or are not like us. As people who are baptized in Jesus' Name and filled with the Holy Ghost, what does God expect us to do with the truth He has entrusted to us?


Review Moses' life if Exodus 2 and 3. While Moses was obviously shocked that God would call him, what has God been doing in his life to prepare him to step into his place as a deliverer of Israel? What can we learn from this that is applicable to our lives? What are your next steps to making this a reality?
(Except from Apostolic Light)