RECOGNIZE that God is worthy of praise and worship; BELIEVE that God is trustworthy; and COMMIT to worship God in spirit and in truth.
FOCUS VERSES: Isaiah 6:1-8
"And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of host: the whole earth is full of his glory" (Isaiah 6:3)
1. True Worship Recognizes God Holiness (Isaiah 6:1-4)
2. True Worship Acknowledges Sinfulness (v.5)
3. True Worship Receives God Grace (vv. 6-7)
4. True Worship Responds to God's Call (v. 8)

That night, Gregory was hit with such a spirit of worship that he got up out of the bed and fell prostrate on the floor. The Lord spoke powerfully into Gregory's spirit and told him how to solve his company's problem for God's glory. Afterward, Gregory wrote down everything the Spirit of the Lord told him to do. His director was amazed at how Gregory knew exactly what to do. Gregory praised God for giving him the insight to solve the problem.
In today's lesson, we will study the prophet Isaiah's encounter with the holiness of God and his uncommon call.
The eighth century B.C. was a tumultuous time for the northern and southern kingdoms of Israel and Judah. This period saw the rise of four major prophets: Amos and Hosea in Israel and Isaiah and Micah in Judah. According to Isaiah 6:1 (NLT), Isaiah received his call in about 742 B.C., " the year King Uzziah died." King Uzziah, also known as Azariah, began his long reign in 783 B.C. In about 750 B.C., Jotham, his son, was made co-regent. After the death of his father, Jotham reigned seven more years. When Isaiah began his ministry, Menahem was king of Israel. Menahem was the fourth king in less than one year. Jeroboam II's death in 746. after 40 years on the throne, was followed by six kings, leading to the fall of Samaria in 721 B.C. to the Assyrians. In the southern kingdom, Jotham succeeded Ahaz, and then came Hezekiah. This age was marked by the rise of Assyria to become the dominant power in the Near East. Tiglath-Pileser III ascended to the throne in 745 B.C. and ruled until 727 B.C. During his second year in power, shortly before Isaiah began his ministry, he marched his army westward and occupied Israel.
As a vassal state, Israel was excepted to make regular payments to the Assyrians. After a reign of 10 years, King Menahem's son, Pekahiah, succeeded him. The next year, the Assyrian king, Tigleth-Pileser, sent his army into Palestine. Syria and Israel invaded Judah in 733 B.C. This was called the Syro-Ephramite War. Although many were killed, including the son of the king, these armies were unable to invade the capital city of Jerusalem. Rather than rely on God, King Ahaz foolishly sent a tribute of gold and silver to Tiglath-Pileser III and asked for his assistanc. The Assyrians defeated the Syrian and norther kingdom's armies, but very quickly Judah became a vassal state of Assyria. The combination of exile and resettlement of foreign peoples in Israel and Judah led to the creation of the people known as Samaritans of the New Testament.
1. "In the year that ______ __________ died I saw also the LORD sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple" (Isaiah 6:1).
2. "Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of ______________ lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of _____________ lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of host"(v.5).
3. "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, ____________ __________ ____________; send me" (v.8)
1. The angels Isaiah saw were crying, "Holy, holy, holy." Discuss the impact that this vision of worship should have on our corporate worship.
2. Gregory (In Focus) has an encounter with the Lord. Do you have a testimony of an encounter with Jesus? What was your response to the Lord's presence?
It is only when we have a proper vision of the majesty of God and His holiness that we will come to understand just how sinful and unworthy we are. Without a clear recognition of the awe of God, we may wrongly believe that we have something to boast about. Our celebrity-obessed society can tempt us to think that boasting is virtue and that we should strive to exalt ourselves and draw admiration from others for our appearance or achievements, real or imagined. It is only after we truly encounter God that we will see ourselves clearly and know the full measure of our unrighteousness. Only Jesus Christ can cleanse and forgive us of our sins so we can enter into His presence and worship Him in spirit and truth.
Are you saved? If you are not, then now is the time to surrender to Him and be baptized in His Name. He will give you the gift of the Holy Ghost. If you are saved, then your encounter with the Lord should lead you to worship that spills over into your life and your daily walk.
(Except for The Apostolic Way)
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