Saturday, February 16, 2013

Clothed with Jesus Christ

By the end of the lesson, we will:
1.Gain an impression of principles of living in Jesus:
2. REALIZE how, because we follow Jesus, our life principles and behavior are different from the rest of society; and 3. EVALUATE our treatment of others as demanded by a life lived by the Spirit.

Focal Verses: Colossian 3:1-17

Keep in Mind Verse: Colossian 3:14
"And above all these things put on charity, which is bond of perfectness."

In Focus:
In our lesson today, Paul exhorts the church at Colossae to take off the old life and put on the new one in Jesus. Once our garments have been washed in the blood of the lamb, the old life no longer is appealing nor does it fit our new life in Jesus.
Discuss the Meaning:
  1. How do we constantly "seek things above when we have to live and participate in  daily activities here on earth?
  2. How do we get rid of old habits and lifestyles and put on new ones?
  3. Why are forgiveness and love two key elements in a life that pleases God?
  4. How can an attitude of thanksgiving help us in our relationship with God and with people?
  5. What does being washed in the blood of Jesus mean, and how does it apply to this Scripture passage (In Focus)?

Lesson in Our Society:
For many people, lying is common. Far too many people believe that if the truth is going to hurt, make you uncomfortable, ruin your reputation, get you in trouble, or cause you to pay money, then lying is OK. We justify lying or find creative ways to do it by calling it something else. In popular culture - TV, movies, politics, etc. - how does it manifest itself and how do we participate? In the midst of this kind of society, the Christian is exhorted to tell the truth. Lying in any form is considered part of our old life and needs to be discarded.

Make it Happen:
Pray and ask God to change you in His own timing and in His own way to see positive changes in your life!

From Acorns to Oaks Trees!

Tell The Truth
Jasmine had a bad habit. She liked to tell "half truths," "kinda truths," and "no-where-near-the-truths" when it benefited her, Jasmine didn't think lying was a bid deal. That was, until the Mr. Watson and Mike situation.
Jasmine had been helping Mr. Watson at his hardware store for almost a year. He was such a kind man and he worked very hard. When the stored wasn't busy, Mr Watson would tutor Jasmine in math. Besides Jasmine, Mr. Watson's grandson, Mike, also helped at the store.
"Can you work on Friday, Mike?" Jasmine heard Mr. Watson ask on the day of the incident. "We're having a sale and I expect to be busy."
"No problem, Gramps, " Mike responded. "Friday is good for me this week." Jasmine was barely listening while they continued talking, but her ears perked up later that afternoon when she heard Mike on his cell phone. "Aw, man, on Friday? I just told grandpa I would work this Friday," Mike said. "I've got to figure out a way to go, though. Basketball tickets like those don't come around every day!" Jasmine assumed Mike would just tell his grandfather about the game, which is why she was surprised when she heard him say, "Gramps, I'm not going to be able to work on Friday after all. I know you need me, but I just remembered I have to work on school project, and I am supposed to meet with my group Friday evening."
"Okay, Son, we'll manage," was all Mr. Watson said, but Jasmine could hear the disappointment in his voice. Jasmine confronted Mike when Mr. Watson took a break. "Why'd you do that to your grandfather? He needs you! How can you be such a liar?

Question for the youth?
Why was Jasmine so upset? Based on Jasmine's response, what does she understand about lying? How can lies hurt others? Can a person break a bad habit such as lying? Should children of God lie? Why or Why not?

(Excerpt from The Apostolic Light)

Saturday, February 9, 2013


1.Warnings Against Strange Teachings, 2. Fullness of Life & 3.Saints Are Complete in Jesus ?
"And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power" (Colossians 2:10)

Focal Verses: Colossians 2:6-15
In Focus:
We live in a time when people argue against the Truth without fear and with boldness. Think about statements such as these which are spoken daily in media outlets:
1. All religions lead to God, Even if you reject Jesus.
2. Everyone is saved already; no one will go to hell.
3. You don't have to read the Bible or be concerned about living for Jesus. Just be a good person.
4. No other religions believe in hell the way we do. Christians must be wrong!
In today's lesson, Paul deals head on with traditions and philosophies that threaten to unsettle the budding church in Colosse. Like the Colossians, we, too, need to be exhorted and reminded of the message of the Gospel , so that we, in appreciation of fullness we have in Jesus, stay rooted in the faith.
Lesson in Our Society:
Jesus Christ, who is the fullness of God, put an end to all disputes of power and authority. In today's
world, which is rampant with humanism, we who are called by His Name can rest assured of our completeness in Him. We must be encouraged by the fellowship of the saints that as we are met with opposing views, we can stand on the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As a community of saints, it is incumbent on us to join with spiritual leadership in building up the body of Jesus Christ by remaining confident that Jesus is who He says He is. Also, In our hearts, we must stand guard against any attempts of the enemy of our souls to cause distractions, distortions, and confusion. We can only be effective in sharing love and winning souls for Jesus by being steadfast and unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.
Make it Happen:
1. Seek in your own life to draw closer to the Lord by further study of what it means to be complete in Jesus, who is the fullness of God.
2. God may be on your team, but do you have him actually playing in the game of your life? Examine areas were you need to give Jesus supreme authority.

Thank you GOAC Sunday School Family