Saturday, February 1, 2014



REVIEW the relationship expressed in the Scripture between hearing and doing the Word; EMBRACE a desire to more consistently align our faith and our actions; and DEVELOP practical strategies for acting in accordance with the Word. 

FOCAL VERSES James 1:19-27


"But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves" (James 1:22).


1. Behaving by the Word (James 1:19-20)
2. Living by the Word (vv. 21-25)
3. Representing the Word (vv. 26-27)


Alan grew up in an Apostolic church. As an adult, his job allowed him to travel quite a bit, but because he was assigned to the same cities for long stretches, he faithfully attended church in those cities. People thought he was a "nice, saved young man," so he was able to seek relationships with young women in the church. However, Alan's walk was very different from his talk. He always pursued a sexual relationship with women, and when he met one who obeyed the Word of God by living sexually pure, he would immediately end the relationship. 

One day, Alan met Tracy, a beautiful young lady who loved the Lord. Alan really liked Tracy and told her that he could handle dating by her standards. After much prayer and conversation with others who knew Alan, Tracy decided that she would end the relationship because she did not discern that he was genuine in his intentions. Alan was devastated, and for the first time in his adult life, he confessed to the Lord that he needed the Holy Ghost. Ashamed and in tears, Alan went to talk to the pastor. 
Being saved requires a real commitment to holy living. In today's lesson, James calls attention to the need for those who profess Christ to live out their faith. 


Dispersion. The descendants of the sons of Jacob were also known as "the twelve tribes" of Israel. This term was a symbolic reference to the Jews scattered aboard and living outside of Jerusalem. Jews were dispersed and settled in the civilized countries of the world at the time yet remained connected to the mother country.


James, the half brother of Jesus, was among the early leaders of the church and was based in Jerusalem. Although the epistle of James is placed toward the end of the New Testament, it is actually the first letter of instruction written to the church-thus the first book written. The primary audience for this epistle was Christian Jews spread across the world due to persecution because of their faith in Christ. 
The major theme of James' letter was to offer instruction for godly living in the midst of self-indulgent world. This letter is viewed as a book of wisdom and instruction for Jewish believers. James appealed for his fellow believers to put outward actions with their inward faith. Scholars believe that James wrote this epistle in the mid 40s A.D. around the time of the council in Jerusalem. He was the first martyr of the church, executed in A.D. 62. 


1. How does this passage advise believers to behave and why (James 1:19-20)?
2. How does this text recommend believers respond to the Word of God (v. 22)?
3. What illustration does James use to describe how people can deceive themselves (vv. 23-24)?


1. The Scripture points out three actions in verse 19. What are they and how are they critical to the discussion in this chapter?
2. What would James say about how we treat widows and orphans today?
3. Alan in the In Focus story was unsaved. What must he do after he receives the Holy Ghost to not be drawn back into his former behavior and to remain "unspotted" in today's culture?


In today's lesson, James calls us to not only be hearers of the Word but also carry out God's Word in our everyday lives through word, thought, and deed. This seems like a "tall order" and can be an overwhelming idea. How serious should we be about having the religious impact expressed in verse 27? How can we achieve such a goal?


1. Really listen for God's instruction through the preached Word and in your time of personal devotion and Bible study. Take time to be quiet before the Lord and hear what He is speaking to you through the Holy Ghost. Make a conscious effort to assess how your habits, behaviors, and actions line up with the Word of God. 
2. If you have not been baptized in Jesus' Name and do not have the Holy Ghost, start there. Repent and God will give you the power to address these needs. 
3. If you are saved, that doesn't mean you have reached perfection. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you continue to seek holiness that is exemplified consistently in your actions toward God and others. 

(Except from The Apostolic Light P.A.W)

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