Sunday, June 8, 2014




KNOW God's promise to the Isralites linked to His command to rebuild the Temple; TRUST that God pledges assistance and prosperity in response to obedience to Him; and IDENTIFY ways that God seeks our obedience and how we can demonstrate it. 

FOCAL VERSES  Haggai 1:12-15, 2:1-9


"The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the Lord of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the Lord of hosts" (Haggai 2:9). 


1. The Fear of the Lord Restored (Haggai 1:12)

2. The Former Glory Revisited (2:1-3)

3. The Promise Reaffirmed (vv. 4-5)

4. The New Prophecy Revealed (vv. 6-9)


James grew up in the projects in Nashville. His school was tough and his neighborhood was tougher. Still, James became a high school all-American athlete. He was aggressively recruited by some of the top collegiate teams in the country. James always dreamed of going pro and believed that God wanted to use him to help his family and community. He promised God that if God made a way, he would come back and do what God wanted him to do. 

A few years later, James reached his goal. He applied to, and was accepted by, one of the top-ranked programs, and worked hard. He was drafted in his junior. He signed a multi-million-dollar deal, and guest appearances and endorsement soon followed. James started a foundation and asked his mother to manage the day-to-day operations. They built a community center that was the fulfillement of a dream and a promise to God to give Him glory by giving back to others. 

God blesses our obedience in many ways. In today's lesson, we will see how God proclaimed His promise of restored glory to the returning exiles as they obeyed His command to rebuild His Temple. 


Zerubbabel. The son of Shealtiel from the line of Judah; his name means "seed or offspring of Babylon." His Babylonian name was Sheshbazzar, and he was recognized as a prince while in captivity. He was believed to be a man of great influence in direct service to King Cyrus. He led the first wave of exiles from Babylonian captivity. Zerubbabel was given favor with the king to rebuild the second Temple and reestablish worship in Jerusalem.


Joshua. A common name among the Hebrews, he is distinguished as son of Jehozadak. The name means "Jehovah is his help" or "Jehovah the Savior." His father, who was also a priest, served while in exile, which means Joshua was probably born in exile. Appointed by King Cyrus in 535 B.C. after the captivity in Babylon, he and Zerubbabel led the first wave of exiles in returning to their homeland and rebuilding the Temple. 


In the previous lesson, we saw how the exiles were released from captivity and returned with great energy to rebuild their land and worship. However, a series of setbacks led them to stop rebuilding God's Temple. Through Haggai, God rebuked them for leaving the rebuilding of the Temple unfinished when faced with opposition. The Lord called on them to "consider their ways" (Haggai 1:5, 7) and realize the results of their irreverence when His commands were selfishly ignored-economic downtown, lost wages, and unfruitfulness (vv. 7-11). God called the political and spiritual leaders to direct the people away from their folly. With God on their side and the favor King Cyrus had given Zerubbabel and Joshua for rebuilding the Temple, they had no excuse (v. 1). 

The Temple was symbolic of God's presence and power; it was their place of worship. Leaving the Temple undone was not an option. God extended mercy by sending His prophet to show the people their sin and to help them return to God. 


1. What did the people do in response to Haggai's message (Haggai 1:12)?

2. What did Haggai ask the elders to compare (Haggai 2:3)?

3. How did Haggai encourage the people and the leaders (vv. 4-5)?

4. What did God promise would happen to the nations (vv. 6-7)?

5. What blessing did God promise (vv. 8-9)?


1. Why was it necessary to encourage the leaders and the people? How often do we encourage our leaders? What can you do to encourage your pastor? 

2.What is the impact of corporate obedience on communities?

3. What does it mean to rest on the promises of God? How can we do that today?

4. James, in the In Focus Story, completed a project that blessed the community. What obstacles do you think were in his way? What encouragement do you think God gave him? What made James follow through after he "made it big"?


As saints of God, we can take a leadership role in helping our nation turn back to God- one neighborhood at a time. When opportunities arise, we can seek the guidance of the Lord to live, act, and reflect His love. Is He guiding you to help in the community? To reach out to a family in need? To give your resources and talent to make a difference in a way you've never tried before? Take the time to pray and then proceed trusting the Lord for success. 


1. This week, take advantage of daily opportunities to consciously obey God and reflect His character. Pray about particular situation He places on your heart. Find Scripture(s) that help you understand God's desires and promises. Write in a journal what the Lord speaks to you and record answered prayer. 

2. We were created to bring God glory. If you have been baptized in Jesus' Name and filled with the Holy Ghost, ask God to forgive your daily missteps and wanderings. Ask Him to let you appreciate His power so that you can glorify His Name in all you do. If you have not made Jesus your choice, today is the day that you can be saved. Be baptized in His Name and seek the Holy Ghost. He has promised to give you what you need to follow Him. Trust that He will. 

(Except from Apostolic Light Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Inc.)

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