Sunday, December 29, 2013



EXPLORE Jesus' presentation in the temple; REFLECT on our faith in the promises of God; and DECIDE how we called to walk in holiness.

FOCAL VERSES: Luke 2:25-38


"For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people" (Luke 2:30-31).


1. Simeon's Hope (Luke 2:25-32)
2. Simeon's Prophecy (vv. 33-35)
3. Anna's Devotion (vv. 36-38)


Irene Barnes and her husband, Darnell, were experiencing hard times. Darnell had worked for over thirty years as a teacher in the public school system. Because of an illness, he was unable to continue working. Irene worked part time, but their expenses always seemed to exceed their monthly income. Eventually, they had to sell their home. They decided to move in with their oldest son, Timothy.
Their daughter, Jasmine, lived about 300 miles away and was upset that her parents had not come to live with her. Irene told Jasmine that in addition to the closeness to Darnell's doctors, she was hoping for a promotion so that she could be as independent as possible. Jasmine refused to listen and stopped speaking to her parents. Over time, Darnell got better and the couple moved into a senior apartment, but they still had not been able to reconcile with Jasmine. The Barnes' pastor encouraged them to continually believe that God would resolve the matter.
Ten years later, Irene was diagnosed with cancer. Her husband and children wanted to have a special birthday party for her. Jasmine and her family came to celebrate with her. Irene hugged them tightly and said, "I knew God would bring us together again."
We all have hopes and dreams that only God can fulfill. In today's lesson, we examine how God fulfilled the dreams of Simeon and Anna.


Firstborn. Jewish families had to adhere to strict ceremonies after the birth of a child. If the child was a male, he had to be circumcised and named on the eighth day. God had made a covenant with Abraham and commanded that, as a sign of the covenant, every male should be circumcised (Genesis 17:10-14). This included children, as well as slaves and foreigners before they could become Jewish citizens or take part in Passover. The Law of Moses made circumcision a legal requirement (Leviticus 12:3).

There was also a redeeming of the first-born when the child was one month old. In memory of the death of Egypt's firstborns and the preservation of the firstborn of Israel, all the firstborn of Israel belonged to God (Exodus 13:2, 11-16). The offering of five shekels was given to the priest to redeem the child from God.


The Gospel of Luke was written to affirm both Christ's divinity and humanity. Luke, a Greek physician, wrote the book around A.D. 60. He was very detailed in recording events and dates. This enabled him to connect Jesus to events and people in history. Luke 1 records the story of the birth of John and foretells the birth of Jesus. Chapter 2 opens with the decree from Caesar Augustus that a census be conducted. This required all people to go to their hometown to be registered. Joseph and Mary traveled to Judea, to the city of Bethlehem, to register. There, Jesus was born.
After the announcement to the shepherds in verses 8-20, Luke skipped ahead eight days to circumcision and naming of Jesus (v.21). He would be given the name Jesus, just as the angle had told Mary and proclaimed to Joseph in a dream (Luke 1:31; Matthew 1:21). Mary was required to undergo a purification ceremony 40 days after the birth of her son (v. 22; Leviticus 12:1-4). The purification ceremony included a sacrifice of a lamb and a pigeon, but exceptions were made for those who were poor. Mary and Joseph were living in poverty, so the could only offer two pigeons (or doves) (v.24). Jesus was also presented to the Lord as the firstborn.


1. How did Simeon identify Jesus (Luke 2:32)?
2. Why did Simeon believe the promise (v.26)?
3. Describe Anna's life (vv. 36-37).
4. What made Anna respond child and what did she say Jesus would do for Jerusalem (v.38)?


1. How long had Anna and Simeon waited to see God's promise answered? How do you think they maintained their hope?
2. What are your thoughts on the phrase "This child is set for the fall and rising again of many" (from Luke 3:34)? Relate this to the importance of our personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
3. In the In Focus story, the Barnes family faced a situation that only God could reconcile. To what do you attribute the problem the faced and the solution that came?


Our society tends to ignore older people. The faithfulness of seniors who have lived holy lives dedicated to God can teach those who are on this Christian journey. What can be done to reconcile generations in our churches and communities? As saints of God, do we have a responsibility to see that all saints, regardless of age, are valued as members of the Household of Faith?


God is calling us to a life of holiness. Our age doesn't matter. Whether young or old, God wants us to live in ways that honor Him and the power of the Holy Ghost that is in us. What helps us draw nearer to God as we wait faithfully for His deliverance and return?

(Except from the Apostolic Light P.A.W.)


  1. This lesson reminds me of God presenting his humanity to us and reminding us he is all human yet all God. He is presented as the firstborn son of Joseph and Mary to continue the customs. Simeon has waited patiently to see the messiah and God orchestrates the event. I love that God's plan is perfect no matter the time it takes for fulfillment.
    - SIs. Keys

  2. I agree with you Sis. Keys, but it also reminds me of the continuous search for mankind. This search started in the garden when God asked Adam the question "where are you?"
