Sunday, December 15, 2013




REVIEW the narrative of the prophecy concerning John the Baptist; APPRECIATE the need to seek God's desire for the next generation; and ADDRESS the blessings given in Zacharia's prophecy.

FOCAL VERSES  Luke 1:57-58, 67-79


"And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways; To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins" (Luke 1:76-77).


1. Praise for the Blessing (Luke 1:57-58)
2. Promises from God (vv. 67-75)
3. Prophecies for John (vv. 76-79)


Horace woke up and found his two teen sons texting on their cell phones and playing video games. As a child, his Saturday mornings had been spent doing odd jobs in the neighborhood. He was concerned that his sons had become too entitled and selfish. He was glad that this was the day the Young People's auxiliary was working in the community to fix up a senior residence. The teens complained, but Horace told them they'd appreciate the experience after the visit.
As they arrived at the site, they saw someone fall. Horace's oldest son ran over to the elderly man who had fallen off the curb. The other son used used cell phone to call for help. Horace helped lift the man to a bench. While they waited with him for the paramedics, the man praised Horace's sons. "It's really good to see two young men who actually care." Horace smiled to himself. Maybe they really were getting the message he, their mom, and the pastor were teaching. Horace and his sons left that experience with a new perspective.
Parents desire their children to reach their God-given potential. but sometimes can't see what God is doing in their children's lives. In this lesson, Zacharias declares what God has revealed for his son.


Zacharias. Was also from a priestly family and was a descendant of Aaron. He was a priest ministering in the temple when an angel came to him and promised a son. His son, John, was born to him and Elisabeth in their old age.
Luke. The author of the third Gospel and the book of Acts. He was born in Antioch, learned medicine, and was know as "the beloved physician" (Colossians 4:14). He was the Apostle Paul's friend and companion on a few of his missionary journeys, including visiting Macedonia, Philippi, Caesarea, and Jerusalem. He probably died a martyr.


Chapter 1 begins with Luke informing readers that his only purpose in writing this book was to make a record of Jesus' birth so we would know the truth. With pleasure, he recounted the story of Zacharias and Elisabeth-a priest and his old barren wife. Zacharias was working in the temple when the angle Gabriel came to announce that Elisabeth would give birth to a son. When Zacharias questioned Gabriel's words, his voice was taken away so he could not speak until his son was born. Elisabeth hid herself for five months. In the sixth month of Elisabeth's pregnancy. Luke took us to Mary's house, a close relative Elisabeth. There, Mary also received a visit from Gabriel with the same announcement- she, too, would bear a son. But her pregnancy would not result from relations with a man but through the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit. Unlike Zacharias, Mary believed Gabriel. She then went to visit Elisabeth, where she stayed for three months.


1. What is the relationship between Elisabeth and Mary (Luke 1:36)?
2. What is the "great mercy" that made neighbors and relatives rejoice with Eli
sabeth (Luke 1:58)?
3. Whom did Zacharias praise when his son was born (Luke 1:68)?


1. Explain what Luke 1:15 and Luke 1:67 help us understand about the Holy Ghost.
2. In the In Focus story, Horace was only able to see what God was doing when someone outside his home praised his sons. What impact might Zacharias' model of speaking praises to God for our children have on parents today? On children?


Zacharia's ability to speak was taken away from him when he verbalized unbelief. How can positive affirmation based on God's Word and the Holy Ghost help us reach and support the next generation?


1. Having studied two songs of praise (Lesson 3 and 4) that give testimony to God's love and faithfulness, consider how your testimony follows the criteria of praise studied in the ViewPoints article. Then share your testitmony this week with at least three people.
2. This week, challenge yourself to practice something learned when you were a child-to only speak if you have something nice to say. Enjoy a week without complaining or criticizing. It should be a week of positivity.
(Except from the Apostolic Light P.A.W.)


1 comment:

  1. So God used the angel Gabriel for both women. Is he a messager or he only appears to women with holy children?
